About Gippsland Associated Theatre

A0042477Y | ABN: 49 446 854 608

Section 1:
Statement of Purposes
To develop and encourage theatre groups within Gippsland by:

  1. Providing a forum for community theatre groups within Gippsland.
  2. Encouraging member groups to achieve the highest standards of production and performance.
  3. Encouraging the sharing of skills, personnel and facilities amongst member groups.
  4. Fostering communication and contact between member groups.
  5. Encouraging widespread attendance at productions of member groups.
  6. Providing training opportunities for local performers or personnel in a variety of aspects of theatre craft.
  7. Actively fostering theatre for young persons.
  8. Sponsoring an annual awards ceremony to celebrate the achievements of member theatre groups.
  9. Providing the necessary infrastructure (eg. judging panel) to support the awards ceremony and to provide helpful peer feedback to member groups on their productions.